Sunday, August 8, 2010


Look, I know it’s been awhile. Decided I needed to back to school and get educated again, something new. Well I now I am back, just in time for football. Yeah Baby, football. But that is for a later blog. Tonight it is about Tiger.

Are we surprised he is playing the way he is? I for one am not. That guy has been through more in the last nine months than most athletes will go through in their whole career and after as well. Most these athletes are far worse than Tiger Woods. Don’t get me wrong what Tiger did was bad, Real Bad. However, if we step back and look at, let say the NBA. These guys are famous, almost celebrated adulterers and lead the world in illegitimate kids and other, under the radar activities. The majority of those clowns make Tiger look like a Angel. Tiger screwed up and he is paying for it. He has owned it and is trying to move on. The reason behind his play, horrible for him average for the rest of the field is simple. ESPN.

Yes, I said what most of us think these days. These ass clowns in Bristol think they have all the knowledge. They may have all the money but knowledge they lack. They have glorified Tiger to this almost Greek like God status, they and many others have done the same. Tiger maybe the greatest golfer our generation will ever see. He is however, just a man, one man, not a God not a hero not a role model just a man. A man who made some mistakes. I think the pressure he already puts on himself to be the best is plenty enough, we as spectators should just sit back smile and watch when he does something all these wanna bees wish they could. I think Tiger should call this season done, focus on the at home issues and practice like he used to. Go back to keeping everyone at arms lengths. Tell ESPN and the other networks that they are no longer allowed to mutter your name until he decides they can. Clean up your house and come back next year and lay it on them Tiger. We don’t care what you did anymore; we just want to see you do what you do, again.

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